Gemini Explained l Gemini Love l Gemini Money l Gemini Astrology

Gemini Characteristics:

Element: Air
Group: Emotional
Favorable Colors: Green
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Opposite Sign: Sagittarius
Lucky Gem:Topaz, Emerald, Agate
Period: May 21 - Jun 20
Gemini Astrology
Gemini Personality:The Gemini mind (and mouth!) is a busy machine, always moving at warp speed. That's because your sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Mercury also rules technology and the mind, making Gemini one of the most curious and cutting-edge signs of the zodiac. If two is double the fun, then as the sign of the twins, you know it's true! There are at least two personalities inside of you at all times. Adventurous Geminis change faster than the weather, and constantly flip between moods and interests. One day, you're into frilly, girl stuff. The next day, you're over that and skydiving out of an airplane. If possible, try to stick with a couple key passions for the long haul, and get really good at them.

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